Charred Winter Citrus

When there’s an abundance of winter citrus consider cranking up the heat and blistering those babies.  It’s a quick and easy method that transforms the bright flavored juices into concentrated robust acidity.  I would be thrilled to receive a jar of charred citrus.  I'd squeeze the juice on everything from roasted veggies to pasta.  The charred flesh and zest can be incorporated into vinaigrettes, marinades, quinoa and chicken dishes.  So, heat up your skillets and treat yourself to the smoky-tart flavor of charred winter citrus. 

Charred Winter Citrus

Servings: 4 lemons

1 Tablespoon vegetable oil

4 lemons, cut in half or quarters

1. In a medium size heavy bottom skillet, heat the oil on medium-high heat. 

2. Place the lemons in the heated oil, cut side down.  Reduce the heat to medium-low and let the lemons darken and char, 8-10 minutes.  Occasionally shake the skillet to release the lemons, turning onto cut edge if needed. To store, refrigerate in an airtight container up to 5 days. 


Citrus Pickled Shrimp


Olive Oil Poached Salmon